The NaughtyKnown for being conniving dipshits, backstabbing assholes, and unlovable but loveable characters. Aka CP amazing fan favorites. Let's talk shit about them!
I hate Dylan. He. Is. Such. A. Fucking. Troll. Right now. He’s in Lex/Brett’s ass so bad, and since they’re trolls, he’s become a troll. Shitty excuse for an ally, already tried to get him to vote for Jun and he trolled me, so I have no intentions of really working with him. I honestly hope he leaves soon because bigolhank is really just a big ole’ pile of shit
Ally Status: Fake
Threat Level: Minimum-Moderate (He doesn’t really give a fuck)
This one’s awkward. Somewhere in another life, I knocked her up married her and got her pregnant with her 17th child. But we’ll ignore that since I’m super incognito and she fails to recognize that her 5th husband is playing this game with her. I love Britney. She is so mother fucking crazy and I love playing soap opera drama with her because it's so much fun. She is a little bit strange, but we'll ignore that, because there's talk of an alliance with her! (As well as with Amy and Karen) I love her. Bitch better love me back.
Ally Status: Crazy loveable slut <3
Threat Level: Socially
That's Chima in a nutshell. She is a nutjob. Nobody understands her. She's strange as fuck, like idk what is going on in her mind. I feel that having a conversation with a serial killer might be more rational. She is just so odd.. but she likes me! Chima is the type of person I'm going to need into this game. She is the type of person who is an asset to my game because she likes me. Everyone else hates her, but she actually likes me, so why not use that to my advantage and try to keep her around, since A. She's going to be a target above myself (My fatal flaw in the past) and B. She'll have my back. The downside to her is that she's a lose cannon and you can't control what she's gonna do, but hey. As crazy as this bitch is, she's good for my game. And that's good for me.
Ally Status: Howie says Deal
Threat Level: ...
... - Moderate
Ugh. I hate this mofo. I'm glad he mellowed out by the time I played Starz, but still... he is just. Weird. As Amy put it:
Rainmoondance (1:03:57 AM): So he is a
Rainmoondance (1:04:20 AM): Schizophrenic flamer who rides a rainbow pony horse into battle and attacks everyone. Yep that sounds like him in a nutshell to me.
It's true. He's a crazy mother fucker and I hope he goes soon since I, A. Haven't talked to him yet and B. He's a fucking loose cannon. Nice target to keep around but I'm not close to him so I have no reason to stick close to him. Although he is alright if you're not on his bad side. But I'm not the type of player he enjoys
Ally Status: Brony plz die
Threat Level: Draammmmama King
I absolutely despise this twat. Like he is seriously the most annoying mother-fucker in the ORG world. I mean already in this game.
Fucktard bitches when he doesn't get selected for AS the first go around, starts playing, and bitches about the competitions. Dear Josh,
It is ALL STARS. You are not playing with guppies, we're playing an All Star game that requires you to take a little bit of time out of your "chaotic" life
to play this game. Seriously, he should go first just because he gets in here and doesn't even care. Like get the fuck out. I came here to play. You came here to float again, just leave now. I'm glad I haven't had to put up with his bullshit in States because if I had to I probably would have left the series by now.
Ally Status: Fuck this bitch
Threat Level: F-L-O-A-T-E-R
I can't believe how much has changed. We used to be like inseparable, but idk what his deal is. I know we ended horribly in States, but that was months ago. I'm not sure what his deal is now, but we're just not cool anymore. He's badmouthed me a ton (however I have to but mainly to people like Amy and Bella) and blocked me on AIM, so I just don't know. I'd love to come into this game and reconcile but that's difficult to do when she comes in straight out of the games openly targeting me. Like wtf Jun? I know you can play. Don't you know that's not the best thing to do in All Stars? smh. Oh well, she paid for it. Still feel awful for her, but that's why you don't make a game - personal.
Ally Status: -Failed-
Threat Level: Backstabber
This one could be the kink in my armor. Seriously I don't even know how. Like we're just really close. Probably one of the closest allys I've ever had in a game, and it baffles me that it's her. I couldn't see myself ever hating her or wanting to bad mouth her even if she stabs me in the back, like we're just that close. I know she's a winner but that doesn't mean I won't try my hardest to protect her and make her the last winner standing. Keeping her should be good for my game because she's a bigger target than me, and because I feel she'd do the same for me. (Though I'm worried she may nom/backdoor me this week to avenge Jun) The bad thing about Lori is she'll do anything to win, so once it gets down to the wire, I'm definitely going to be on guard if we're both still here.
Ally Status: <3
Threat Level: Biggest Threat in the game.
Lol, so wtf am I doing in Naughty? Being a whiny bitch and trashing Jen paid off so much!
I'm here to win this time. I'm here to make allies, backstab, do whatever it fucking takes to be the winner of Big Brother Recycled All Stars 3. I'm sick of settling for a late jury spot or as was the case last time an early exit. I don't want it to happen this time around. I want to be the last person on that memory wall, and I will certainly use ever tactic in the book to get to that spot. I might bring some fun along the way as well!
Ally Status: I'm orgasmic <3
Threat Level:
Hmmm. Russell is an interesting case. Basically a comp whore and that's it. His social game sucks, and strategically he tends to take orders, but I think he's very abreast at playing this game and I definitely want to put BBR11 behind us and see if we can work together. It's going to be difficult to trust him, but an ally is an ally and I'm hoping Russell can be in my corner this game. He is kinda boring on the surface, but he'll be able to get on everyone's good side so I need to keep an eye on him. I hope he gets drunk more often because that's a fun Russell!
Ally Status: On guard
Threat Level: Comp Whore
K this is done!